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Constellating for the Collective: Into Our Collective Heart

Theme: Walking our Truth in these times of polarization, conflict and denial

Facilitator: Diana Claire Douglas, author of a book on Constellating for the Collective, Whole Systems Design: Inquiries in the Knowing Field

Registration Required and/or for info:     613-799-1343

Constellating for the Collective is a whole body/heart/mind/soul, experiential and creative approach that opens us to deep collective wisdom so needed now. New perspectives gained shift our relationships with each other + Life, opening up new options for sacred activism.     This is an open group. New participants welcome!      

Suggested donation: $50-$30      

Participants say they experience new insights & wisdom that they have not been able to access using any other methodology. These new perspectives shift our relationships with each other & Life, opening up new options for action.